In today's dynamic job market, attracting and retaining top talent has become a paramount concern for businesses. Building organisational expertise to attract and retain is a competitive advantage and CEOs should put this objective very high on their agendas. Our research with job seekers reveals key factors that candidates value in their employment search, highlighting the evolving landscape of employee expectations compared to less than a decade ago.

Today’s key factors for candidates when seeking employment are;

  • Adequate Salary: A primary consideration, reflecting the need for fair and competitive compensation.
  • Flexibility: The growing demand for remote working and flexible hours is reshaping traditional work models.

Other important factors for jobseekers are;

  • Work Environment: A welcoming, safe, and good condition workplace is vital for employee satisfaction.
  • Career Progression: Opportunities for growth and advancement play a crucial role in attracting candidates.
  • Location/Accessibility: Proximity and ease of commute can influence job choice. This might be strange for an Island like Malta however it is important.
  • Company Reputation & Ethos: A strong ethical stance and positive reputation attract quality candidates.
  • Job Satisfaction: The importance of finding meaningful and fulfilling work cannot be overstated.
  • Teamwork: A collaborative and friendly work environment fosters better relationships.
  • Work-Life Balance: Family-friendly measures and a balanced approach are increasingly sought after.
  • Benefits: Additional perks and benefits complement the overall employment package.

The Challenge of Data in Retention Strategies

Working with over 900 organisations annually, we've identified a critical barrier in developing effective retention strategies - the lack of robust data.

Organisations struggle with:

  • Internal Benchmarks - Comparing data within the organisation to identify trends and discrepancies.
  • External Benchmarks - Assessing how they stack up against peers and competitors across sectors and more importantly company size.
  • Insights - the ability to understand the data and turn it into meaningful actions.

Partnerships for Enhanced Infrastructure

To address this, we partner with Talexio and Talexio Team Voice, equipping clients with the necessary tools for effective measurement and strategy implementation.

Implementing Smart Actions

Once measurement systems are in place, the focus shifts to strategic actions. From our experience working with over 900 organisations both locally and abroad we believe that these are the most important factors driving team member retention:

  1. Purpose-Driven Mission - Organisations championing missions beyond profit-making, fostering a sense of greater purpose among teams and their members.
  2. Strong Company Culture - A positive, inclusive environment where employees feel valued and respected is non-negotiable. Leaders who do not care for their teams are bound to fail at retaining them.
  3. Effective Onboarding and Orientation - A comprehensive introduction to company culture, responsibilities, and processes is crucial. Assigning a buddy and scheduled check-ins can significantly reduce attrition risks. We find this one of the major failures within numerous organisations.
  4. Competitive Compensation - Aligning salaries and benefits with industry standards is essential. Regular benchmarking and bonuses are critical, as our research indicates salary as the primary reason for employee turnover. Our experience shows that some professionals can have multiple job offers within less than 5 days.
  5. Flexibility and Remote Work - Flexible work arrangements are now a necessity, not a luxury. Organisations unable to provide such options risk becoming obsolete. We find lack of flexibility fails to recognise the importance of other team member priorities especially for team members with young children or elderly parents.
  6. Career Development and Growth: Providing training (both work related and generic) coupled with clear advancement paths stimulates employees and counters perceptions of organisational stagnation.
  7. Communication and Feedback - Open, transparent communication and prompt addressing of concerns build trust and loyalty within the organisation. We find that often organisations prefer to obscure or sugar coat bad news however this is a prime driver in eroding trust within the organisation.
  8. Employee Wellness Benefits - Benefits focusing on mental, physical, and financial health are increasingly important, with schedule flexibility being highly valued. Support at the workplace is critical.
  9. Mentorship Programs - Establishing mentorship programs creates a supportive and mutually beneficial environment for all employees.


In conclusion, navigating the complexities of the modern workforce requires a multi-faceted approach. By focusing on these key areas and leveraging data-driven strategies, businesses can create a thriving, engaging workplace that not only attracts but also retains top talent.

This holistic approach is not just beneficial for employees but is also a strategic imperative for organisations aiming to succeed in today's competitive landscape.