[Estimated reading time: 3 minutes]

The feeling of having had a productive day at work is priceless. We feel on top of the world and able to accomplish any tasks that come our way. We feel energised, motivated and passionate about what we are trying to achieve.

Although everyday has the potential to be a productive day, in reality, we all fall victim to the occasional slump – those days where we can’t seem to get anything done right, when everything we attempt to finalise goes up in smoke.

Fear not, as here are five tips that can help boost your productivity at work

  • Make a to-do list Whenever you feel overwhelmed, take some deep breaths, find a quiet spot and take some time to put together a to-do list. This humble to-do list serves to give your busy days direction whilst inspiring action and the little jolt of adrenalin you’ll get whenever you cross something off your list, will motivate you to reach higher heights with each passing day. You’re also less likely to forget an important task if it’s on your list.

Are there any downsides to preparing a to-do list? I think not!

  • Eat that Frog The hugely acclaimed book “Eat that Frog” by Brian Tracy focuses on how successful people overcome procrastination by finishing the most important and difficult tasks (i.e. frogs) first. Rather than putting these tasks on the back burner, these are exactly the tasks that demand your immediate attention. As a result, you’ll be freeing up tons of energy to focus on other more enjoyable projects that need your attention.

Procrastination is a key productivity killer, so make time to eat those frogs and be rewarded with increased productivity levels.

  • Limit your social media time In today’s internet obsessed world, it’s hard to ignore the lure of checking social media. However, the time we spend on social media eats away from the time we should be using productively towards reaching our work goals. It therefore comes as no surprise that after spending the good part of a workday on social media, we end up feeling sluggish and maybe even a little bit guilty. So as to curb this, allow yourself set times to check social media without overdoing it. This way, you get your social media fix whilst using the remaining time in a more productive manner.

  • Move away from your desk Remember that your boss will never congratulate you for not taking a break but they will congratulate you for a job well done. Taking breaks away from your desk is central to performing effectively at work. Having some down time away from your desk clears your head, re-energises your batteries and gives you a fresh perspective on tasks that need completing. In a nutshell, breaks enhance your productivity.

  • Say no to unnecessary meetings Do you find yourself being roped into meetings where you aren’t in a position to contribute constructively? Learn to identify these meetings and decline your attendance whilst explaining why. As a result you’ll be able to use this time productively by focussing on tasks and projects where your contribution is required and appreciated.

Whenever you feel that you’re on the brink of a productivity slump at work, try implementing one or more of these tips to turn an unproductive day into a worthwhile one.

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